
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Facing a Tenant to Move

This afternoon, in our computer class, Teacher Joseph provided us an Internet Video's address in You Tube:

It was a clips of Court about the landlord and tenant. The name of the Video was: Facing a Tenant to Move.

Because the Plaintiff, Defendant and Judge spoke very fast, and they always said the professional vocabularies, idioms and splands. I haven't understood why they sued.

There were 4 people in the Video:

Plaintiff: Sophia Durall
Defendant: Lillie & Vincent Bardouille
Judge: Marilyn Milian

Plaintiff Sophia Durall was first occurrence. She brought a huge plastic bag and held many books and documents. She wore white suit with rolls pearl necklace. She sued for $2570.88. Defendants were mam and son. They were Lillie and her son Vincent Bardouille.They accused of forcing a tenant to move.The Judge Marilyn Milian was a captivating lady with white tooth and brown hair. She always asked some important and valuable questions. The court's was: The People's Court.

Plaintiffs told us that she had lived in the house for 14years, and one year late, she moved in basement. In 2008, she heard meal bark and smelt Gas, etc. She had no idea about the basement weather it was legal or illegal.

Madam Lillie was very upset. She explained why there were no more Gas. Her son, Vincent Bardouille was very not serious in the court. He was always grinning to answer the Judge's question. He said he owned the house in September.

The events always happened in Saturday. Judge Milian was so bore that she yelled: Saturday, it's always Saturday, OK, go go go.

There was no conclusion by the end. The next Video was processing.

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