
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Secret Phone Number Game

Look up the phone directory, and then tell your partner the secret phone number you have selected, using code. Do not say the number out loud. Instead, say:

E.G. "Code NBM: that,heught,height"

Based on your information ( Code NBM), your partner will tell you back what your secret number is, and then identify the organization from the Phone Directory. Partner will say the answer, "9-1-1, Emergency Services."

Phone Directory:
  • St. Michael's Hospital 1800-435-2976
  • St. Mackle's Hospital (395) 412-8670
  • Downtown Gas (520) 348-9176
  • Dung Tongue Guys (627) 539-0418
  • Hippocrates Clinic (321) 412-3241
  • Emergency Services 9-1-1
  • Municipal Services 3-1-1
Secret Codes
  1. faith  /feɪθ/
  2. fate /feit/
  3. turd  /tɜːrd/
  4. third
  5. Perth
  6. purse
  7. sum
  8. thumb
  9. ensues
  10. enthuse
  1. vein
  2. wane
  3. wavered
  4. wayward /weɪwərd/ difficult to control
  5. verse /vɜːrs/
  6. worse
  7. they
  8. lay
  9. teller
  10. tether:  to tie an animal to a post so that it cannot move very far
  1. bleep
  2. blip
  3. weak
  4. wick
  5. pull
  6. pool
  7. board
  8. bode
  9. walk
  10. woke
  1. canning
  2. caning
  3. mass
  4. mace
  5. horse
  6. house
  7. no!
  8. now!
  9. icepick
  10. aspic
Synonyms  /ˈsɪnənɪm/ the sauriasion
  • Fido
  • Canine
  • Puppy
  • Bitch
  • Mongre
  • Poodle

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